We are the Democratic Executive Committee of St. Johns County, Florida.


The St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) is the Democratic Party at the local, county level. It is composed of a Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer as officers. In addition, there are a State Committeeman and State Committeewoman, who are the liaisons with the Florida Democratic Party and the local Democratic Clubs.

The elected members of the DEC are representatives of the various precincts in which they live. There are presently 46 precincts in St. Johns County. Each committee person takes an oath to support Democratic candidates before becoming a member.

Every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM, the DEC has monthly meetings via Zoom or at the Democratic Headquarters, 71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6., St. Augustine, FL 32084. The Steering Committee of the DEC normally meets on the second Thursday of the month.

Every four years, all members stand for election/re-election during the time of the Presidential election. The election of officers takes place during the month of December. In between presidential elections, members are recruited, elected and installed as precinct committee men and women on a continuing basis.

The St. Johns County DEC reports to the Florida Democratic Party (FDP) and is subject to the By-Laws of that organization. In turn, the FDP is subject to the By-Laws of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

For more information, contact Democratic Headquarters at 904-825-2336 or email: stjohnsdemocraticparty@gmail.com.

Here, find our Newsletters, Clubs, and Volunteer opportunities.

Executive Committee Officers

Chair: Michelle Jennings

First Vice Chair: Geoff Gundlach

Second Vice Chair: Susan Horwitz

Recording Secretary: Ruth Hoenig

Treasurer: Michael Spaid

Deputy Treasurer: Gamin Dobbie

State Committee Man: Gregory McClelland

State Committee Women: Ruth Hoenig and Susan Horowitz ( interim )

Visit Us

71 South Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084

Hours :

  • Tuesday 11am-3pm

  • Thursday 11am-3pm

  • Saturday 9-11am

  • Sunday 1-3pm

(904) 825-2336