The Democratic Party of St. Johns County consists of the Democratic Executive Committee (DEC), subcommittees, a network of local, community-based clubs and caucuses, and affiliated organizations.

Each is committed to registering voters, increasing Democratic voter participation in elections, and improving voter awareness of issues through informative meetings and social gatherings.

Democratic Clubs


Ponte Vedra Democratic Club

The Ponte Vedra Democratic Club's focus is on current national, state and local issues affecting those living in Ponte Vedra. The club regularly invites speakers who can inform the members on those issues. Elected officials and Democratic candidates are welcome and encouraged to come to the club meetings as guest speakers. These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to get to know the elected representatives, mingle with Democratic candidates and socialize with our Democratic neighbors.

Usually meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6PM at the Ponte Vedra Branch Library, with some variations for library availability and social events.  Refer to / pontevedrademocrats or for more information.

For more information, contact Club President Jan Kary at 202-438-6750 or


Democratic Women’s Club

The Democratic Women's Club of St Johns County is a network for energized and informed women. It is a resource to Democratic candidates and promotes issues important to women.

​The DWC presents programs and provides information to enable voters to be informed and to be able to speak to issues, encouraging women voters to become active participants in politics. The Democratic Women's Club of St. Johns County is chartered through the National Democratic Women's Federation and the Democratic Women's Club of Florida, Inc.

The DWC meets on the second Wednesday of the month, via Zoom. For more information contact President Rebecca Davis at or 904-502-3245.

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St. Johns County Young Democrats

Young Democrats is open to Democrats from 14 to 40 years old. The Young Dems are always looking to expand their membership.

​For more information about the Young Dems, contact


Northwest United for Progress

Since the 2016 Presidential election, a large number of people living in the area known as St. Johns have come together to become more politically active.

Monthly Activities
General Meeting with speakers on the second Monday of the month via Zoom. Social at 6:30 PM, Meeting at 7:00 PM
Evening Social via Zoom 5:30 PM, third Tuesday of every month. Coffee and Conversation postcard and letter writing campaign. 10:00 AM, fourth Monday of the month via Zoom.

For Information, please email or contact Club President Holly Ross at 904-504-1973.

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St. Augustine Democratic Club

The St. Augustine Democratic Club is being reorganized and we are in the process to receive certification for the club. Please note:  the St. Augustine Democratic Club now meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 PM at the Voorhees Mission House, 130 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., St. Augustine.  And  the Blue Bag Lunch meets on the other Wednesdays of the month at the same time and address.

If you live in the greater St. Augustine area and would like to become a member, please complete this form and return it with the $20 dues to Nell Toensmann. For more information, contact Nell at 904-484-4960 or

St. Augustine Beach Democratic Club

The SAB Democratic Club is an official club of the St Johns County Democratic Party. Our mission is to identify and take action on issues affecting Anastasia Island in alignment with our Democratic values, and to elect Democrats to all levels of government. 

President: Susan Horwitz

Meetings: First Tuesday of the month 5:30 pm at the Anastasia Island Branch Library


Facebook: SAB Democrat

Instagram: SAB_democrats

Act Blue:


Democratic Caucuses

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Democratic Black Caucus

The Democratic Black Caucus aims to increase social, economic and political awareness; support elected and appointed Democratic officials; and offer advocacy and outreach to all demographics and classifications of the black community throughout the state.
To learn more, please contact President Jaime Perkins at


Democratic Environmental Caucus

The Environmental Caucus meets at 6:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Democratic Headquarters and via Zoom. There is not a general membership meeting during the months of July and August. 

Anyone interested in joining the Environmental Caucus should contact Chair John Pilecki at or 215-896-8656.


DEC Subcommittees


Campaign Committee

Candidate Committee

Digital Communications & Technology Committee

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Fundraising & Events Committee

Legislative Affairs Committee

Volunteer & Community Engagement Committee

Voter Registration Committee

Affiliated Organizations


Flagler College Democrats

The Flagler College Democratic Club meets on a regular basis at the college.